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Latest News

Please view our latest news below.  You can also view all of our e-newsletters by clicking the button below.

Our 2024 Memberships are NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE! Visit our Online Store or the Bass River Pro Shop Today!


Please click here to purchase your membership >>> 

We are so excited to kick off another year with you! As always if you have any questions, please give us a call! >>> 508.394.5597


New Website

Our new updated website is complete! Keep an eye out for the new member's section that will be coming soon. It will feature member updates, previous newsletters, and minutes from the Golf Enterprise Committee meetings.

Also, don’t forget to download the Yarmouth Golf app! It has been recently updated! Click here to download.


Follow Us

Reclaimed Water Property

Bayberry Hills- Reclaimed Water Facility


Call Us

Bass River: (508) 398-9079

Bayberry Hills: (508) 394-5597 


Bass River: 62 Highbank Road
South Yarmouth, MA 02664

Bayberry Hills: 635 West Yarmouth Road
West Yarmouth, MA 02673